Why Late2Lien

Your Legal Compliance Partner

Take the Headache out of the Lien Process

Late2Lien generates and sends your state specific notices.
Late2Lien automatically tells you when you need to perform tasks, such as inventories or lien checks.
If a notice must also be posted publicly or advertised, Late2Lien manages this process for you.
Our sophisticated algorithms help you schedule the right auction date.

Late2Lien brings together requirements, timelines, and processes outlined in each state’s statute.

There is more to compliance than simply mailing a default notice when a tenant is late. Self-storage is a hectic business that is prone to human error. Late2Lien partners with you to manage all the moving parts of a default.

  • Late2Lien monitors your paid through dates to locate delinquencies
  • Generates legally required notices
  • Handles all returned mail
  • Maintains cloud-based record of every unit default
  • Automates legally compliant advertising

Ready to simplify your Lien Process?

Complete our contact form and someone from our sales team will be in contact to schedule a demo. Learn more about the Late2Lien solutions for automating the self-storage late to lien-sale process.

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